T. Denise Anderson

1st Sunday of Christmas

In 2008 Michael E. Ross wrote a piece for The Root examining the misuse of the word/song “Kumbaya” in American politics. Ross noted that “Derision of the song and its emotional foundation has become a required sign of toughness and

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2nd Sunday of Christmas

9 mins read

“So, This is Christmas” We usher in the New Year today, but on the liturgical calendar it is still Christmastide. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? Is it carols, presents, and Bing Crosby crooning “White Christmas”? If the connections to Christmas music are particularly strong for you,


What About the White Folks?

12 mins read

United Methodist Commission on Race. Black Ministries and Latino/Hispanic Ministries – The Episcopal Church. Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM) – United Church of Christ. Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Racial Ethnic and Women’s Ministries – Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). These are a few
