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Human Rights Day

photo of a microphone

Who Gets to Speak

A Word of Caution for Human Rights Day December 6, 2011 by Patrick David Heery, an editorial   They do not need a voice. They need a microphone. This December, Unbound offers a mini-issue for Human Rights Day, December 10,

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photo of a statue of an angel

Christmas and the Better Angels of our Nature

11 mins read

The following letter comes from the December 2011 Salt & Light e-newsletter of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, speaking to violence in Palestine, the recent Human Rights Day issue of “Unbound,” an upcoming Convocation on Criminal—and Restorative—Justice, the work of ACSWP, and an upcoming course called “Presbyterianism: Principles,

photo of indigenous woman speaking at rally

Introduction to Indigenous Peoples’ Struggles for Land Rights

6 mins read

An introduction to the indigenous land rights articles November 29, 2011 by Carol Robb, Professor of Christian Social Ethics at San Francisco Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union   The assignment in a current doctoral seminar in distributive justice: Write an article to a general audience about a particular

flag of the UN

Indigenous Voices at the United Nations

3 mins read

How the United Nations Addresses Indigenous Rights December 7, 2011 by Mark Koenig, Director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights notes that: Indigenous peoples across the world experience the consequences of historical colonization and invasion of their territories, and
