A Life Poured Out: The Fruit of Commitment and Authenticity
This year my wife and I celebrated seven years of committed partnership. As our relationship has developed and deepened, the insecurities and issues that plagued us in our early days have transformed into a rooted trust and knowing. After years of witnessing each other’s commitment and investing tens of thousands of hours in nurturing our connection, the fruits of our weeding and watering have blossomed into confidence, authenticity and boldness.
Reflecting on our journey, I find resonance in the steadfast faith of the apostle Paul. His life, marked by unwavering devotion and spiritual fortitude, serves as a timeless example of passion and commitment. It was his personal rapport with God’s faithfulness that sustained him through trials and adversities. When death tried to shipwreck his life and poison his flesh, he confidently shook off their threats and stayed anchored in his mission. When chains and opposition tried to confine his impact and silence his voice, he fixed his eyes on the author and finisher of his faith and fearlessly proclaimed the truth anyway.
Understanding the character of someone by the fruit they bear is a timeless principle that underscores the idea that actions and outcomes reveal the true nature of a person’s heart and beliefs. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, individuals display the values and principles that govern their lives through their deeds and attitudes. This principle not only emphasizes the importance of patience and perseverance in discernment, but also highlights the deeper spiritual truth that our outward manifestations reflect our inner convictions.
In navigating life’s complexities, it’s crucial to recognize that genuine character and integrity are not always immediately apparent. Patience is required to observe and discern the consistent patterns of behavior and outcomes over time. Despite facing immense hardships, Paul’s fruit—his missionary journeys, his letters of encouragement and correction, and his consistent commitment to the truth—revealed a profound trust and confidence in God’s character and goodness. His subsequent life was marked by unwavering faith, sacrificial love, and a relentless dedication to spreading the gospel.
Paul’s life illustrates that truth cannot be imposed but must be embraced willingly. Even when Paul speaks the truth with boldness and clarity, he recognizes that some “will be ever hearing but never understanding.. for their hearts have become calloused.” (Acts 28:26-27) In a world where comfort and conformity are king, Paul’s resolute stance to speak the truth anyway, reminds me of the importance of staying true to my convictions, even when it’s challenging and unpopular. It did not matter if it was safe, comfortable or popular, Paul refused to go back into the closet and hide his truth. Like Paul, I aspire to approach life with curiosity and receptivity to truths that transcend societal norms and expectations. His example challenges me to embrace authenticity and live out my convictions boldly.
One of the gifts of being part of the Queer community, is that I see this fierce commitment to authenticity and truth walked out on a daily basis. I get to hear the stories of non-binary folks who dared to trust the wisdom of their own bodies and lean into new ways of expressing themselves. I get to dance alongside folks who are living at the intersection of overlapping systems of oppression but resiliently leaning into joy anyway. Like Paul, my 2SLGBTQI+ siblings and I are committed to discovering, embracing and being our full selves despite adversity.
As I reflect on Paul’s legacy, I am reminded that authenticity is not just about being true to yourself but also about standing up for what is right and just. Authenticity cultivates genuine connections and serves as a catalyst for others to embrace their true selves. This liberation spreads outward, influencing how we engage in relationships, communities, and the broader world. But it demands courage and resilience in a world that often pressures conformity. By following Paul’s bold example and embracing our truths with grace, we contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society. In this way, we empower others to live authentically and nurture integrity.
As my wife and I continue to journey together, we strive for lives characterized by the kindness, faithfulness, and freedom that is born out of a deep love for God and each other. I have found that embracing the leadership of the Spirit invites us into an adventure of faith and discovery. It challenges us to relinquish control and trust in God’s guidance, knowing that His plans far exceed our own. Just as Paul’s life was marked by a relentless pursuit of truth and authenticity, we will continue to strive to produce fruit that nurtures vulnerability and fosters a more liberated and inclusive society.
So may our lives be guided by the prompts and pulls of the Spirit. May we stay soft and open so that the power of truth has access to grip our hearts and minds with its blinding realities. May the cultivation of fruit in our lives speak to the kindness, faithfulness, and generosity of a life rooted and established in love. And may that love transform the entire world.
Grace and Peace.
A Life Poured Out – A Poetic Ode to Paul the Apostle
He was a witness
To life
To hope
To resurrection
A violent uprising against death
He was the insurrection
He was a voice of truth
Resounding throughout the barren lands
An example of authenticity embodied
He shared the good news through his life and written hand
He was sent to remind us
That the promise has come, and the kingdom is near
Sent to spur into action
All of us who would have ears to hear

Heather (she/her) is a tea-drinking, female-loving, ex-evangelical pastor turned author, spoken word artist, and speaker. She is committed to, and energized by, resourcing communities with tools for reimagining, and reconciling differences through art, empowerment and storytelling.
Heather’s work is birthed out of the rich and intersectional lens of her Queer, Black, Indigenous and female identities. As the co-founder of Voices Canada and an engaged community organizer in Tkaronto, Heather is committed to using her platform, talent and energy to build a world where systemic change is fueled by our individual and collective liberation.
You can catch her speaking to a wide range of audiences, including universities, conferences, churches and art shows. To follow her journey and view her work, connect on Instagram at @heatsbeam or her website: heatherbeamish.com.
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