Indigenous Peoples’ Day Resources

3 mins read

The gifts and the presence of our Indigenous siblings should be celebrated above the horrific acts of colonization and the doctrine of discovery. As we shift our colonized minds toward a more expansive and truthful reality of systemic racism and white supremacy, we must reorient ourselves to listen to our


6 Things to do during Black History Month

3 mins read

Black History Month is now upon us. As February rolls in, we once again turn our attention to the Black liberators, educators, preachers, teachers, ancestors and revolutionaries. Though our hearts and minds should be focused on them all year round, Black History Month centers our Black siblings, and now more


A Man Guided By Love To Love

11 mins read

I am a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated.  Founded December 4, 1906 in Ithaca, New York on the camps of Cornell University. The historic African American fraternity has nearly 900 chapters around the country and around the world. I currently serve the Greater Atlanta chapter. I was initiated


Scarred Body and Broiled Fish

10 mins read

Brooke Scott, a young, Black leader in the Presbyterian Church USA, in an Instagram Story question, asked, “What does it mean to you that Jesus still had scars after the resurrection?” Flipping through my Instagram stories, I held my finger on this question, and stared at it for about 15mins.


4 Spiritual Practices for a More Just Lent

4 mins read

Justice work constitutes more than simply reading a book or declarations on social media. Thinking about the work of justice must be backed, when pondered by people of faith, by a spiritual renewal and transformation. Soul work is critical to the work of compassion, empathy, equity, and loving justice. The


Unsettled by the Truth

8 mins read

Like millions of Americans who paid attention in seventh-grade Social Studies class, I was acculturated to believe that I descend from God-fearing people who came to the United States to live in an environment of religious tolerance and healthy capitalism. In the mid-19th century, my great-great-grandparents moved from eastern Germany

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