Unbound Columns feature writers and authors specializing in different topics, issues, and themes. Do you want to be a columnist for Unbound? Send questions and inquiries to [email protected].

Sequential Theology

Grace in Glitter

The Sacred Art of Drag

Grace in Glitter: Be Fabulous with D’Arcy

Sweat dripped from my neon green headband. And my hot pink armbands. My rainbow socks, too. I’d been dancing my cares away in class for over an hour, learning each step of the choreography for one of the latest pop songs. We were all exhausted, yet energized—that breathless feeling you get when your whole body gets lost in music and movement. As class ended, our dance instructor gathered us in a circle for our final cool-down activity.

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Theology in public life


Women worldwide continue to be stigmatized, excluded, and discriminated against simply because of the lack of understanding of women’s natural body cycle. Unfortunately, menstruation is still considered unspeakable in polite conversation, society, or church. This has been made even more prescient in light of the recent shortages and price hikes for tampons and sanitary napkins here in the United States and around the world. This patriarchal society still has great hesitancy and is silent when it comes to the idea of the monthly regulatory cycle of women because the idea of seeing blood is considered dirty,

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Setting the inner compass

A Poetry Column


Reading poetry is one of the ways some of us nourish our faith, a way we set or reset our inner compass and stay focused on the big picture, on the spiritual journey. I know that is true for me. ‘Setting the Inner Compass’, is a column where I share poems that I find meaningful and hope others do as well. Last weekend I presented at a conference alongside an Imam, Rabbi and a Roman Catholic sister who is a Zen teacher. It was a wonderful event and a reminder that in this era where organized religion is in decline, spirituality is not. The room was filled with those who live spiritual lives, many in faith communities. My guess is that if asked to identify

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