Unbound Columns feature writers and authors specializing in different topics, issues, and themes. Do you want to be a columnist for Unbound? Send questions and inquiries to [email protected].
Sequential Theology
Sequential Theology #2: Alba Onofrio on Sexual and Theological Liberation
More work from jules leslie webb can be found here.
Grace in Glitter
The Sacred Art of Drag
Grace in Glitter: Be Fabulous with D’Arcy
Sweat dripped from my neon green headband. And my hot pink armbands. My rainbow socks, too. I’d been dancing my cares away in class for over an hour, learning each step of the choreography for one of the latest pop songs. We were all exhausted, yet energized—that breathless feeling you get when your whole body gets lost in music and movement. As class ended, our dance instructor gathered us in a circle for our final cool-down activity.
Theology in public life
The emergence of Abya Yala theology signifies a shift in the theological discourse of Christianity on the continent. European Christian missionaries and soldiers who claimed to rule and control the land introduced Christianity more than five centuries ago. Although some consider this colonization process as a meeting of cultures, civilizations, and the
Setting the inner compass
A Poetry Column
April was National Poetry Month. Although this column began in 2020 as a National Poetry Month project, I skipped the April column this year in part because there are lots of places to find poems in April. One gift of National Poetry Month is that poetry is widely shared and new poetry anthologies are published. One of those new anthologies is You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World edited by the 24th Poet Laureate of the United States, Ada Limón. This fascinating anthology consists of 50 previously unpublished poems that seek to engage the reader in a particular landscape or aspect of the natural world. The book is related to her
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