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Indigenous Rights

photo of lands rights protest

Healing the Past

What does justice look like 151 years after the Indian Island Massacre? November 17, 2011 by Austin Leininger   PDF Version (Optimal for Printing)   The Last Dance The year is 1860. California has been a state for ten years.

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Sweetwater Cultural Center: The First Steps to Repentance and Reconciliation

13 mins read

On November 20, 2019, the Presbytery of Hudson River formally transferred the title of the former Stony Point Presbyterian church and associated property to the Sweetwater Cultural Center, a newly formed organization dedicated “to promote the education, health and welfare of indigenous or native peoples and to preserve their cultures


Mission Coordination Committee [10], GA 223

23 mins read

The Mission Coordination Committee of the General Assembly considers: “Mission programs authorized by General Assembly; PC(USA) vision and mission goals; Organization for Mission and General Assembly Mission Council Manual of Operations; mission budget; audits; churchwide compensation; initiatives on church growth and the 1001 Worshiping Communities program.” (Source: Topics Addressed:


When Immigrants Give Thanks

12 mins read

Seeking Honesty at Thanksgiving For many Americans, the word “Thanksgiving” brings warm feelings of family, of food, and of altogether unqualified enjoyment. It is a time when it seems we can put the worries of the world on the shelf, simply celebrating life, love, and community. Growing up, we are


Don’t Display Your Solidarity, Express it!

9 mins read

Article originally published in the Presbyterian Outlook on November 15, 2016: This is not a piece about Standing Rock and the water protectors. This is a reflection to expand the narrative of what happened during the clergy action visit to Standing Rock on November 3, 2016. For information about


Apology Isn’t a Sexy Word

9 mins read

On Item 11-08 and Apologizing to Native Peoples Apology isn’t a sexy word. Quite often it seems like a weak word. A word we want to skirt around. A word we want to avoid. But that’s been the problem. We as a people of faith are called into something different.


To First Peoples: More Than An Apology

22 mins read

A Primer on Healing and Reconciliation and The Presbyterian Church in Canada Editorial Note:This contribution speaks particularly to items 11-08 and 11-17 before the 222nd PC(USA) General Assembly, which call for an apology to First Peoples in the US and for a study of the Doctrine of Discovery, but it

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