The Dark Night of the American Economy - Unbound

The Dark Night of the American Economy

Oct / Nov 2011 Issue: On economic crisis and injustice

Table of Contents

Editors’ Corner
“How Dark an Economic Night Does It Have To Be?” Chris Iosso
“A Walk on the Economic Side, Looking for Power,” Patrick David Heery

An Invocation from the Presbyterian Church (USA)
“Living through Economic Crisis: The Church’s Witness in Troubled Times,” Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy

Talking Corner
“Loans for Life,” Emily Morgan
“New Brunswick: The Plight of the Poor,” Dawan Buie
“All about US,” a poem, Ariana Salazar-Newton

Economic Perspectives
“The Principles of Capitalism and Their Effects in the World,” Bill Saint
“The American Covenant and the American Dream,” John Winfrey
“Will Corporations Serve-or Exploit-the Human Family?” ed. John Cobb
“For Workers,” Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
“Capitalism and Christianity: Compatible Worldviews?” Elisa Owen

The Question of Inequality: Unchained Links
“Tomatoes of Wrath,” Chris Hedges
“Wealth Gaps Rise to Record Highs between Whites, Blacks, Hispanics,” Pew Study (link)
“Stop Coddling the Super Rich,” Warren Buffet (link)
“Why Warren Buffet Is Wrong,” Jeffrey A. Miron (link)
“Too Much: An Online Weekly on Excess and Inequality,” Institute for Policy Studies (link)
“Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Compensation, Equity, and the Unity of the Church,” Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (link)

Christian Witness: Construction, Complicity, and Resistance
“Timeline of Social Policies,” Presbyterian Church (USA)
“Social Creed for the 21st century,” National Council of Churches & PC(USA)
“Searching for God’s Economy in Protestant Theology,” Robert C. Trawick
“Past and Present, The Church Speaks on Economic Matters and New Challenges,” Chris Iosso
“Debt-ceiling Bill: Programs that Serve the Common Good Are Bearing the Cost,” Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)
“Inter-Generational Justice, the Gospel, and One Presbyterian Denomination’s Position,” Casey Jones
“Witness of These Things: Ecumenical Engagement in a New Era” (link)
“Accra Confession” (link)
“AGAPE Document” (link)

“The Ends of Wealth and the Divine Economy,” National Council of Churches
“Flourishing through Contrition: Hunger and Transformation,” Shannon Jung
“Covenantal Economics: God’s Household,” Tim Beach-Verhey
“Religious Action for Affordable Housing: Creating Community,” Nile Harper

“The Divine Economy & A Theology of Debt,” James Noel
“Finishing the Unfinished Business of Dr. King,” Charlene Sinclair and the Poverty Initiative
“Paul at Sea: A Seafaring Saga with Random Interruptions,” a sermon by Lisa Larges

Hearing Scripture
“Isaiah 58,” NRSV
“Matthew 23:23,” NRSV

Closing Prayers
“Against Corporate Domination and American Indifference,” Darryl Trimiew
“For Farmworkers Struggling for a Just Wage,” Francisca Cortes

Action Steps

Resources and Recommended Bibliography

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