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People, Look East!

1 min read

Advent and Christmas Reflections on the Middle East Week 1 Jimmy Carter and Simeon: What ‘Consolation’ for Israel and Palestine Today?, Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso A Perspective on Peace: Is There Shalom in the Land?, Marietta Macy Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Calls for an “Advent of Justice”, The

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Christmas and the War Next Door

13 mins read

My mother loves Christmas. I came home to find her big traditional decoration for the Christmas tree. Our house is full of red colors today. Some pictures of Santa Claus here and there. I wanted to be happy and do like every kid: jump and shout out loud that Christmas

robert ross

Boycotting and Divesting from Occupation

19 mins read

Confessions of an Occasional Presbyterian By Robert B. Ross, Pittsburgh, PA   Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I’d be sitting in front of a computer screen on a hot summer night watching the live video stream of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly. But there
