Let’s Start the New Year with Hope and Justice for
Aspiring Citizens
ACTION ALERT: Send a postcard to your senators
By Melissa G. Davis, Co-Manager of the PC(USA) Office of Immigration Issues
Senator Rand Paul’s unmistakable voice called to me early one morning in November: “we need a pathway to citizenship for undocumented people…” Assuming I was dreaming, I rolled over and went back to sleep only to be reawakened: “Sean Hannity has evolved on immigration and believes there should be a pathway to citizenship.” This was an immigration advocate’s dream come true! I had not been sleeping after all; it was in the days after the Presidential election that everyone was talking about immigration reform— EVERYONE, and they were calling for reform of our nation’s broken immigration system. This was even more amazing since the country was speeding toward the fiscal cliff. But it was true, immigration reform was the “it” issue after the election.
Since then we’ve mourned the loss of innocent lives, diverted one fiscal cliff only to see two more ahead in the distance, and will soon inaugurate Barack Obama to a second term. Even in the midst of these changes, immigration reform continues to maintain what Washington would consider a high profile. Eight Senators (four democrats and four republicans) have been appointed to work on immigration legislation. Some changes will likely occur in this “gang of eight,” but there is a goal to have legislation introduced by March 2013.
You can keep reform at the forefront of your Senators’ minds by wishing them a Happy New Year and reminding them of the starting points for a fair, just, and commonsense approach to immigration. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has adopted the foundational elements listed on the post card as starting points for federal reform. To learn more about PC(USA) immigration policy visit here.
Millions of aspiring citizens are counting on you! Please take a moment to print these post cards and send them to your Senators. Two for you, and two to share with a friend! If you would like some in bulk, contact the Office of Immigration Issues as some are available.
Find out who represents you here.
Download a Tool Kit on Comprehensive Immigration Reform to learn more about the challenges facing our country’s immigration policy and how to get your community involved in the work of reform.
Download the post card and send it to your senators!
Melissa G. Davis is the Co-manager of the Office of Immigration Issues at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) where she assists presbyteries and churches with immigration legal advice and coordinates advocacy efforts. She is a Candidate for the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament. Melissa received her M.Div. from Louisville Seminary and her Juris Doctor from the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. As part of her preparation for the ministry, Melissa has served as a student pastor, a hospital chaplain, and law clerk with Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services. Before entering seminary and law school, she worked with survivors of domestic and sexual violence and environmental protection. Melissa is an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); her home church is First Presbyterian Church of Boone, North Carolina.
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