5 Ways to be in Solidarity with Palestinians

The decades of occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli government and the current genocide of Palestinians is something no one can ignore, especially people of faith. Our faith moves us to call out the injustices of our world, the killing of thousands of people, and governments that take advantage of the most marginalized and vulnerable to gain power and land. Here are just 5 ways to be in solidarity with Palestinians:

  1. Read and listen to Palestinian theologians
    Christianity took root in the land of Palestine where thousands of Christians have been carrying on their faith for a millennium. The history that flows through their experiences and their theologies is a testament to the resilience of a people long oppressed. Understanding and taking in their theological perspectives is crucial in our solidarity and opens us up to a new way of experiencing the Divine, while reminding many people that the first Christians remain in these lands.
  2. Do Not Let “Complexity” Scare You
    The Israel-Palestinian conflict is often coded as complex which can often be a way to shut people down to the idea of understanding what is actually happening. The truth is that this genocide is not complex, it is nuanced. The first step is to read the history so that we may understand how we got to where we are and then, take some time each day to understand the current situation. Organizations like Churches for Middle East Peace are giving daily updates on their social media channels.
  3. Condemn Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia
    Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia have been on the rise for many years because of consistent conflict in the Middle East. We must be able to condemn these terrible fears while at the same time calling out injustice perpetuated by people of all faiths. Calling out the Israeli government for a genocide is not anti-Semitic and we must keep saying this especially while many Jews all over the world, including within Israel, are protesting against the genocide of Palestinians.
  4. Show Up, Keep Talking and Educating
    One of the most crucial things we can do is to show up and talk about the genocide in Palestine, lifting up stories of resilience and educating our communities about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Organize a local protest, hold Sunday School classes, mention it in sermons, have conversations around your dinner tables, and when someone says something wrong, lean in and talk about it. Justice happens in the smallest moments of education and in the everyday lives of people. Keep talking about our siblings in Palestine who deserve dignity.
  5. Center Both Oppression and Joy
    One of the things that colonization will do to a people is it will paint them as completely void of joy and humanity. While our focus should be on the terrible oppression of our Palestinian siblings, we must also know that a people of resilience are also a people of joy. We must tell the full stories of our siblings in Palestine because systems of oppression white-wash the fullness of a person in order to keep power.

This JustList was created by the Unbound Team.

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