Neddy Astudillo

Primer domingo de Cuaresma

Santo Thomas de Aquino, teólogo italiano y filósofo católico del siglo 12, consideraba que el diablo era una invención del ser humano para entender y explicar la ausencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. Para Aquino, un Dios de amor es

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First Sunday in Lent

9 mins read

DEVOTIONAL BASED ON: Luke 4:1-13 Introduction Saint Thomas Aquinas, Italian theologian and Catholic philosopher of the 12th century, considered the devil to be an invention of the human being to understand and explain the absence of God in our lives. For Aquinas, a God of love is incapable of creating


Primer domingo de Cuaresma

10 mins read

Santo Thomas de Aquino, teólogo italiano y filósofo católico del siglo 12, consideraba que el diablo era una invención del ser humano para entender y explicar la ausencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. Para Aquino, un Dios de amor es incapaz de crear cosas malas; al fin y al cabo,



17 mins read

Many people are experiencing our most recent days as if we were in the movie "Groundhog Day", where the main character finds himself living the same day, over and over again, with no clear end in sight; that is, until he begins to acknowledge his faults, makes efforts to better
