Raymond Roberts

Keep the INF Treaty.

On February 1, 2019, the United States withdrew from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). Signed in 1987 during the Reagan administration, the INF treaty was one of several treaties that dramatically reduced the Soviet and American nuclear arsenals (for

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Keep the INF Treaty.

9 mins read

On February 1, 2019, the United States withdrew from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). Signed in 1987 during the Reagan administration, the INF treaty was one of several treaties that dramatically reduced the Soviet and American nuclear arsenals (for a graph showing these remarkable reductions, click here), instituted trust-building


Introductory Column

7 mins read

This is an inaugural column that I hope will become a regular feature in Justice Unbound. I have decided, with good input from Chris Iosso, to call this column Redeeming Realism. The purpose of this column is to engage in theological reflection in support of faithful participation in God’s world.


Social Witness of the Church: Commentary on Foothills Overture #1 (4-01)

12 mins read

This post was originally published as part of the Presbyterian Outlook’s coverage of the Foothills overtures at https://pres-outlook.org/2015/11/social-witness-of-the-church-commentary-on-foothills-overture-1/ We live in times of tremendous cultural change. We also live in times of high anxiety as a church, having lost so many congregations over the past two years. During these times,

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Our Theology of Public Education

18 mins read

Reformed Christians have worked tirelessly to establish and strengthen universal public education in every nation and time where they have found themselves. This work has been inspired by theological beliefs that have been part of our tradition since the momentous Consistory meeting that established the Reformation and instituted universal public

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Why a Carbon Tax?

8 mins read

In Genesis 2:15 we hear God’s charge to the first human. “The LORD God took the human and settled him in the Garden of Eden to farm it and to take care of it.” (CEV) Sad to say, but instead of caring for God’s garden, we have imparted a lot of

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Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking A Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and We Won’t All Agree?

12 mins read

A Response to Jan Edmiston Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog, achurchforstarvingartists.wordpress.com, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is perhaps especially on our mind as we move toward another


Labor Day Letter

8 mins read

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Grace and peace to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  As we write to you on the eve of Labor Day 2013 we observe that these are troubled times for workers.  We live in a time of high unemployment; average wages continue to

pumping gas, photo by Kym McLeod

The Price of U.S. Gasoline Is Outrageously LOW

8 mins read

Yes, you read that title correctly. Gas prices should be higher. By the Rev. Raymond Roberts, originally published in the Free Lance Star   Lately lots of people are whining about the high price of oil. Republicans blame Democrats for not moving fast enough to develop domestic resources. Democrats blame
