Gender Justice 2014

Photo Credit: John C. Goodwin, UMNS
Week 1
- Stories That Need to Be Told, Rev. Ginna Bairby
- Daughters of Eve: Biblical Women Take Back the Microphone, Miriam Foltz and Rachel Shepherd
- The Cry of Tamar, Rev. Marci Auld Glass
- Re-Imagining “Re-Imagining” and the Next 20 Years, Sylvia Thorson-Smith
- Re-Imagining God: Reflections on Mirrors, Motheroot, and Memory, Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock
Week 2
- Re-Imagining the Church as Spiritual Institution, Rev. Joan M. Martin
- Re-Imagining Creation: Gathering at the Table of Necessity, Elizabeth Bettenhausen
- God of the Women, Rev. Carolyn Gillette (re-published)
- Sing a New Church!, Rev. Robin Lostetter
- False Dichotomies, Rev. Marci Glass
- Childbearing Decisions, Fertility, and Faith, Rev. Emma Nickel
Week 3
- Feminism as Evangelism: How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church, Rev. Darcy Metcalfe Mudd
- Silencing: Testimonials of the Exiled Christians, Rachel Murr
- The Hope of Something New: Feminism, Evangelism, and New Worshiping Communities, Rachel Parsons-Wells
- Status of Women Study Underway, Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
Week 4
- The Right to Come Home: Midrash on the Great Woman of Shunem and Palestinian Refugees, Barbara Kellam-Scott
- This is My Story: A Palestinian American Christian Woman, Dr. Nahida Halaby Gordon
- ‘Men in the Mirror’: Constructing and Applying a Christ-Centered Masculinity to Interpersonal Relationships, Kevin E. Frederick
- Left Wanting More:’ Touchdowns for Jesus’ and Domestic Violence in Big-Time Sports, Rachel Mastin
- Why the “Entitled Athlete” is Not Where I Fix my Feminist Gaze, Rev. Marcia Mount Shoop, Ph.D.
- #BringBackOurGirls: Tweeting Prayers to the Almighty, Jennifer Pelling
- Women in Poverty & The ‘American Nightmare’: A Story of Economic Oppression, Leslie Woods
- Learning from Organizers in New Haven: Interviews with Mothers for Justice, Kimberly Clark and Merryl Eaton
- Why Child Marriage Subsists – And Why It Shouldn’t, Janet Guyer
- Closing Editorial: Gender Equality is Just Freedom, Dr. Chris Iosso
Photo Credit: “Mouth Taped Shut”, Melanie Killinger Vowell,
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