Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility
Week 1 Homepage
- Between the Bang and the Whimper: Prophetic Hope in an Apocalyptic World, Rev. Ginna Bairby
- Climate of Conflict: A Trip to Examine the Root Causes of Social-Environmental Conflicts in Peru
- “The Creation Waits”: Fossil Fuel Divestment at the 221st GA, Megan M. Gregory
- Exxon Mobil and Me (and the BOP), Sue Smith
Week 2 Homepage
- Confessions of the Rich Wo(Man): On Struggling to Give Up My Carbon Addiction as an Act of Faith, Rev. Abby Mohaupt
- A Local Global Justice Network, The Presbyterian Hunger Program
- Climate Change Exacerbates the Impacts of Extractive Industries in Peru, Conrado Oliveira
- Questions in a Climate of Conflict: Interviews
- “, Rev. Emily Morgan
- Local Apocalypse: Into the Storm, Twister, and the Problem of Nature as Adversary, Charles Freeman
- UN Climate Negotiations and the People’s Climate March!
- Planting on Holy Ground: My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’, Collen Earp
Week 3 Homepage

- Why a Carbon Tax?, Ray Roberts
- Celebrating 5 Years of Earth Care Congregations, Rebecca Barnes
- Carbon Pollution, EPA Regulation, and YOU!, Leslie Woods
- Climate and Church: How Global Climate Change Will Impact Core Church Ministries, Creation Justice Ministries
- Getting a Hearing on Climate Change, Eric Mount
- Creation Care in the Great Economy: A Conversation with Wendell Berry, Eric Mount and Wendell Berry
- Principalities of New Power: Why Apocalyptic Language? When Prophetic Isn’t Enough, Chris Iosso
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