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Ocean: Deep Wonder, Deep Sorrow, Deep Hope



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33. Williams, Christine (ed.) 2011. The Eleventh Commandment: Caring for Creation – Words of Wisdom From the World’s Great Faith Traditions. Earth Faith Publications.

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35. North American Association for Environmental Education. Guidelines for Excellence. http://eelinked.naaee.net/n/guidelines

36. National Marine Educators Association. 2006. Ocean Literacy—The Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences. 11 pp. Ocean Springs, Mississippi. http://www.coexploration.org/oceanliteracy/documents/OceanLitChart.pdf

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40. Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center. Graysonville, Maryland. http://www.bayrestoration.org/

41. Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Annapolis, Maryland. http://www.cbf.org/page.aspx?pid=1000

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