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Columbia Seminary Prayer Vigil

Prayer for a Welcoming Community

7 mins read

Columbia Theological Seminary By Doug Friesema   View and print as PDF. Columbia Theological Seminary is a PC(USA) school in Decatur, Georgia. Columbia’s current housing policy, which it has operated under for many years, allows current students and the legally married partners of current students to live in campus housing.

photo of emily morgan

A Prayer for Unbound

4 mins read

By Emily Morgan Recently I have been named as one of the first local organizers for Unbound. I believe strongly in Unbound’s mission that “examines, expresses, and provokes social justice as inspired by the prophetic gospel of Jesus Christ,” and I have been honored to be published in the journal. Unbound

opening prayer

Day 1 of the Fast for Fair Food

10 mins read

March 5, 2012   By the Rev. Noelle Damico, Presbyterian Hunger Program   A Glimpse of Morning Prayer I stand among one hundred and fifty people gathered in an enormous circle; dewy grass anointing our feet, the glow of the sun stretching across the sky, promising relief from the chill

photo of farm worker

For Farmworkers Struggling for a Just Wage

8 mins read

A Prayer for People 2008 by Francisca Cortes   This prayer comes from the book edited by Chris Iosso and Eliz­a­beth Hinson-Hasty, Prayers for the New Social Awak­en­ing: Inspired by the New Social Creed [Louisville: West­min­ster John Knox Press, 2008], 38–40, avail­able from It is repub­lished here with per­mis­sion

hand fisted and holding pencil

Against Corporate Domination & American Indifference

6 mins read

A Prayer of Protest and Solidarity 2008 by Darryl Trimiew   This prayer comes from the book edited by Chris Iosso and Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, Prayers for the New Social Awakening: Inspired by the New Social Creed [Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008], 38-40, available from It is republished here

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