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reproductive rights

“Hearing the Voices of Peoples Long Silenced”

Gender Justice 2014   Week 1 Stories That Need to Be Told, Rev. Ginna Bairby Daughters of Eve: Biblical Women Take Back the Microphone, Miriam Foltz and Rachel Shepherd The Cry of Tamar, Rev. Marci Auld Glass Re-Imagining “Re-Imagining” and

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Reproductive Freedom and Faith in 2020

10 mins read

Here we are. We’ve almost made it. The final days of 2020. So much has happened this year from a global pandemic, an uprising against white supremacy, unprecedented economic downturns, the election of our lifetimes, the death of the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the appointment of Justice Amy Coney

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Reproductive Justice and PC(USA) Social Witness Policy

11 mins read

It is hard to remember back to the pre Roe v. Wade days. There were the road trips from Idaho to California with classmates seeking abortions. There were fledgling birth control devices and pills that made some aspects of decision-making easier and others ever more difficult. Somewhere in the 80s

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False Dichotomies

11 mins read

This article was originally published at Marci Auld Glass’ personal Blog, Glass Overflowing, on October 3, 2012. Many people presume that because I am a pastor, I must, therefore, be pro-life. It is presumed to be the “Christian” position on the subject, right? And I want to be able to


Contested Territories: Women and Healthcare Reform

16 mins read

I’ll admit it. I winced when I read the theme for this week’s posts, “Vulnerable Populations and Christian Responsibility.” Again, I thought, a discussion of women is framed as taking care of the vulnerable. In healthcare settings, not all women are equally vulnerable. I have questions. Where does women’s vulnerability


Week 2: Vulnerable Populations and Christian Responsibility

5 mins read

Autism, the ACA, and Lessons from the Secular, Marvin Lindsay Ethan, our 16-year-old son, is autistic. Like lots of autistic people, Ethan has highly focused interests, some of which include jumbo-sized vegetable hybrids, Christmas, and his birthday. Ethan also is prone to physical and verbal outbursts. Thanks to a powerful
