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white supremacy - Page 2


“From the Slave Dungeons of Cape Coast”

2 mins read

A Nigerian Presbyterian Reflects on the Global Slave Trade [ezcol_1half]What madness Extreme inhumanity Not accidental Not mere mistake Planned and executed In utter wickedness. Humans turned into goods Packed in tins Stored in darkness Without sunshine Without rain Utter insensitivity. Sorting of sorts The weak and the strong To utilities

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Race Gives Me Poetry

14 mins read

Racism kills. It dehumanizes us all, telling some of us we are less than human and rendering others of us incapable of having a decent conversation about it. It takes our best intentions and misshapes them beyond recognition; no matter what we do or what we mean to do, we

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Why White Privilege Isn’t Going Away

15 mins read

A Theological Reflection Why can’t white folks in general – and white Christians in particular – be rid of the problems of white privilege and racism? Why can’t a board, a vestry, a session, or pastors and Christian Educators simply do the things necessary to solve the problem of ‘race
