Danilie Hilerio

Fifth Sunday in Lent

The Gospel transforms the everyday into transcendental, into that which responds to the enigma of our spiritual journey, to the unknowns of our soul, and to the search for the sacred. John 12:1-8 describes the scene. He tells us about

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Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma

9 mins read

El Evangelio transforma lo cotidiano en trascendental, en aquello que responde al enigma de nuestra travesía espiritual, a las incógnitas de nuestra alma, y a la búsqueda de lo sagrado. Juan 12:1-8 describe la escena. Nos relata sobre quienes sirven y quienes están sentados a la mesa. Estos personajes responden


Fifth Sunday in Lent

8 mins read

The Gospel transforms the everyday into transcendental, into that which responds to the enigma of our spiritual journey, to the unknowns of our soul, and to the search for the sacred. John 12:1-8 describes the scene. He tells us about those who serve and those who sit at the table.
