Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound Archives - Unbound
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Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound

tree planting


10 mins read

The following are ways you can put your environmental faith and care for God’s creation into action, both as individuals and as communities. Congregations and faith leaders, be sure to check out the ministry ideas. This eco-action list is one way we can live out the ideas shared in the

patrick heery in ziplining gear

Environmental Hope: A Better Approach for a Tougher Climate

14 mins read

Introducing the Unbound Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith” while arguing for a different environmental strategy to engage people, particularly young people, in this age of consumerism, doubt, and the temptation to despair.   By Patrick David Heery, Managing Editor   This is an article

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