plumb line on a brick wall

Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church?

10 mins read

A Series on the Future of Social Witness Opening Editorial by Chris Iosso Is justice an essential “mark of the church?” Is it a basic aspect of God’s reign, reflecting God’s nature? Is it a basic part of the Gospel, even if the church can never fully live up to

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First Rick Scott came for the teachers

1 min read

Jan. 26, 2012: Florida governor Rick Scott, speaking to the Board of a state business group, used his own interpretation of Niemöller’s quotation to defend Mitt Romney. He began by saying that he had a poster of the quotation on his walls (beginning with “… the Jews …”), then said


War and Peace

11 mins read

(An Occasional Series.)  Why We Look Backward as We Move Forward. Unbound is an ecumenical e-journal offering analysis, practical resources, interactive conversation, and action items for issues of justice and Christian conscience. Begun in 2011, it may not seem to have much of a past. It was started by a largely


Support Food Aid Reform!

3 mins read

Support Food Aid Reform! In the proposal for FY2014 food aid budget, there are reforms which will allow the U.S. to buy and distribute food aid in areas where there is need.  Traditionally, there have been restrictions that have stipulated that the food aid be bought in the USA and



22 mins read

THE SHADOW OF DRONES AND THE CLAIMS OF JUSTICE: A Response to the President’s Counter-terrorism speech and amended policy. By Christian Iosso On Thursday, May 23, President Obama changed and made more explicit the policies guiding his administration’s strategy of killing terror suspects by unmanned aircraft. That program, largely run

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