Resurrection in a Broken World Henry Koenig Stone What does resurrection mean in a broken world? Events in this last week have me rethinking the place that resurrection takes in my personal theology. I am far from convinced that the length of a life in any way measures its value.
Simmons College of Kentucky hosted “Philanthropic Redlining: The Illusion of Inclusion Part II” on Feb. 6th as part of The West Louisville Forum: Solutions for Urban America. Philanthropy is a loaded word. To understand why, we need to look back at the history of redlining in American cities. The connection
This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages). Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season chock-full of worship and devotional resources, few Advent devotionals are
A PC(USA) International Peacemaker Preaches Hope for Israel/Palestine. In September, the Presbytery of Genesee Valley welcomed a PC(USA) International Peacemaker, Amal Nassar, as she led workshops describing her family’s experience living at the Tent of Nations (an organic farm near Bethlehem in the West Bank). Events were held at eight
Voting is not just “civic duty.” It is a moral choice. I still hear the phrase “civic duty” associated with the act of voting…but less and less often. People are tired of political action, and would rather abdicate any and all responsibility for the status quo. To quote my political
We Need More Economically Honest Policymakers.
A Labor Day Sermon for 2018. On Labor Day, those who celebrate may rightly commemorate a long struggle of worker vs employer. The struggle continues as a fight for truth—against the myths that would turn economic theory into an ideology. In an earlier generation, that ideology was called the Gospel
Below are descriptions of each piece of business, divided into categories by topic. Each item number links to the full text of the resolution on, along with all official comments that have been submitted. Abbreviations Used: ACREC—Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns ACSWP—Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy ACWC—Advocacy Committee
The Way Forward Committee of the General Assembly considers reports of the Way Forward Commission, All Agency Review Committee, and Vision 2020 Team, as well as business related to the national structure and funding of the PC(USA). Below are descriptions of each piece of business, divided into two categories. Each
Environmental Issues at GA 223
An Outline of Twelve Overtures. In 2018, business before the Environmental Issues Committee of the PC(USA) General Assembly includes: engagement with vs. divestment from fossil fuel polluters, environmental racism, carbon pricing, reducing the use of polystyrene, and adopting the “precautionary principle” toward new technologies and strains of genetically engineered crops
Walking the Jesus Trail: Nazareth to Capernaum
Photo Reel and Commentary, May 12-15 Day 1: Nazareth to the Cana Guest House We started off the day in high spirits, which was good because the first thing we had to do was climb our way out of the city of Nazareth, ancient hometown of Jesus! Nazareth today is
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