
Lock THEM Up—And Televise the Trials.

14 mins read

It is justice, not vengeance, to investigate thoroughly and prosecute resolutely all public officials who have put private interests above the common good. If broken windows in a neighborhood can justify a more visible police presence—with community involvement—to prevent larger crimes, then the countless examples of self-dealing and conflict of


A New Exile from the Garden?

12 mins read

“Magical thinking” on climate change is less Christian than climate science. What psychologists call “magical thinking” is common among children and adults alike, and it does more damage than one might think. In the case of climate change denial, the magical result fantasized is both a wish fulfillment and a


Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor!

9 mins read

A Pastoral Response to the Migrant Caravan I’ve been watching reports of the migrant caravan from Central America, awestruck by the grit and determination of those refugees. What is it like to leave your home and walk for weeks to a place you’ve never seen, not knowing if you will


Healing Healthcare

21 mins read

A Neurosurgeon and a Pastor Work Hand-in-hand for Universal Healthcare Unbound interviewed Dr. Bohmfalk and Rev. Thomas together because they demonstrate that faith and science have intersecting roles in inspiring just outcomes. They are an effective team in advocacy for an issue that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), along with other


We Now Have Three Branches of Undemocratic Government

12 mins read

“Governments deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed [and] whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…” – The Declaration of Independence Although too few Americans were allowed to vote in Jefferson’s day,


Pro-Choice and Pro-Women: What’s at Stake?

34 mins read

Swirling around the atmosphere as I write this is the furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. In a remarkable movement from margin to center, the experiences of women have become the heart of Kavanaugh’s questioning and ultimately, the decision whether or
