
Theme Index by Topic, 2011-2019: HERE

Issues and Series

Fall 2018

Make America Just. Period.

Drawing on faith, community, and conscience to call out injustice and seek a better way.

Summer 2018

Renewing the Vision: Social Justice and the 223rd General Assembly
(St. Louis)

Climate Change, the Global Order, the War on Drugs, Religious Freedom Without Discrimination, & more!

Spring 2018 

Mosaic of Peace Blog 
(co-hosted with Presbyterian Peacemaking Program)

Witnessing for Peace and Wholeness in a Land Called ‘Holy’

Winter 2018 

The Unfulfilled American Promise

Stories of the people left behind.

Ongoing Symposium

Seeking an Epiphany of Peace

A Symposium on Israel-Palestine

Fall 2017

Honest Patriotism

Issues of Active Citizenship, Social Critique, and Public Witness

Summer 2017

Defending the Common Good

For Truth, Justice, and the Christian Way of Love


Fall 2016

Unbound: The Election Issue

Elections, Democracy, and the Church in the Public Square


Summer 2016

A Year for Confessions: Issues of Social Justice before the 222nd General Assembly

Racism, Belhar, apologies, fossil fuels, peace discernment, family leave, and much more!

Spring 2016

Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege, and the Church

Acknowledging, confessing, and interrupting racism and white privilege in the majority-white Church.

December 2015

“People, Look East!”: Advent and Christmas Reflections on the Middle East

As Christians turn our liturgical attention toward the Middle East of 2 millennia ago during the Advent season, we also turn our awareness and moral consciousness eastward to reflect on what is happening on the ground today in the lands where Jesus walked.

October/November 2015

“That They May Be One”: Thinking Ecumenically for the 21st Century

Reflecting on the status of the ecumenical movement, in both its institutional and de facto forms, and looking forward to what the future may hold.

July/August 2015

What Mission is This Anyway?: Reflections on Mission and Missional Living

As the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) prepares to “Live Missionally” at the Big Tent 2015 Conference, authors across the denomination reflect on what it looks like to participate in God’s mission in our own varying contexts.

April/May 2015

Breaking Good: Addiction, Drug Policy, and the Body of Christ

Examining U.S. drug policy through a theological lens as it relates to issues of addiction, racism, incarceration, violence, and militarization at home and abroad.

February/March 2015

“A Pedagogy for the Distressed”: Thinking About the Mission of Public Education

Looking at the theology of education and the struggles, sacrifices, strategies, and solutions at home and abroad in light of the “Educate a Child, Transform the World” Initiative.

November/December 2014

“Hearing the Voices of Peoples Long Silenced”: Gender Justice 2014

Remembering the ecumenical “Re-Imagining” Conference of 1993, and current reflections on the state of justice for women, both in church and in society.

September 2014

Apocalypse How?: Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility

Seeking what resources for hope and change the apocalyptic parts of the Christian tradition have to offer in the face of climate change.

July 2014

GA221: The Aftermath

Looking back on the 221st General Assembly and forward for what it means for the future of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

June 2014 Issue:

The Road to Detroit: Issues of Social Justice Before the 221st General Assembly

Reflections on a variety of justice issues that came before the 221st General Assembly of the PC(USA) in June of 2014.

May 2014 Issue:

Just Roots?: Reflecting on Faith with the Millennial Generation

A joint issue with Presbyterians Today and Horizons focusing on the justice issues confronting the millennial generation – developed, written, and edited almost entirely by young adults!

April 2014 Issue:

A City On A Hill: Urban Ministry in the 21st Century

Stories, strategies, and theological reflection on urban ministry

February/March 2014 Issue:

For the Healing of the Nation

A look at healthcare, health insurance, and the Affordable Care Act from a Reformed Christian perspective

January 2014 Mini-series:

To Dust You Shall Return: Climate Change and Christian Faith

A joint issue with that explores different ways our faith calls us to respond to climate change

December 2013 Issue:

The Hymnal From Below: A Justice Reading of Glory to God

An exploration of social justice themes in Glory to God, the new Presbyterian hymnal

Fall 2013 Issue:

Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church?

A series on the future of social witness featuring modern-day prophets and advocates from across the country and the world

Summer 2013 Issue:

Trayvon’s Verdict on Us

An exploration of of racial justice both from past issues of Church & Society and from present day tragedies such as the death of Trayvon Martin.

March 2013 Issue:

Tracking the Immigration Debate

As Con­gress looks seri­ously at com­pre­hen­sive immi­gra­tion reform for the first time in a num­ber of years, Unbound con­trib­u­tors illu­mi­nate the issues being debated.

Feb 2013 Issue:

Becoming an HIV and AIDS Competent Church

Pro­duced in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Pres­by­ter­ian AIDS Net­work, and build­ing on a ground-breaking con­fer­ence at John­ston C. Smith The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary, Unbound explores prophetic wit­ness and com­pas­sion­ate action in response to HIV and AIDS.

Dec 2012/Jan 2013 Issue:

Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith

A col­lab­o­ra­tive issue of Unbound and Pres­by­te­ri­ans for Earth Care exam­in­ing the rela­tional and spir­i­tual foun­da­tion of a life devoted to sus­tain­abil­ity and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice.

Special Nov 2012 Series:

Seven Sins Against Democracy—And What’s Faith Got To Do With It

A special series for the November 2012 election, drawing together prominent thinkers and faith leaders to reflect on the threats to the effective and ethical functioning of our democracy.

Special Oct 2012 Series:

Our Stories: Coming Out… & Inviting In

A special series for National Coming Out Week and LGBT History Month, in partnership with Presbyterian Welcome, sharing the stories of LGBTQQI inquirers and candidates for ordained ministry.

Sept/Oct 2012 Issue:

The Backstory of General Assembly Social Witness

Featuring takes from young adults and committee chairs; analysis of what happened regarding marriage equality, divestment, peace discernment, women’s justice, and other issues; a comprehensive digest of the 220th PC(USA) GA social witness action; and a look at what’s next.

May/June 2012 Issue:

Inside Agitators: Seminarians for Justice

Sem­i­nary and divin­ity school students write about social jus­tice min­istry and advo­cacy on their cam­puses: Can these inside agi­ta­tors connect?[/wpcol_3quarter_end]

Feb/Mar 2012 Issue:

Jesus Returns to Washington—The Public Witness of the Church

Social ethicists, pastors, young adults, theologians, and organizers
exam­in­e why and how the Chris­t­ian church should engage the world and its polit­i­cal arena.

Dec/Jan 2011-12:

Occupy Human Rights, Not Us: Indigenous Land Rights for Human Rights Day

Doctoral students at the Graduate Theological Union discuss land rights issues in Hawaii, British Columbia, South Korea, and California—with guest editor Carol Robb, professor of Christian Ethics, and with contributions from the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.

Oct/Nov 2011 Issue:

The Dark Night of the American Economy

In this inaugural issue of Unbound, writers speak to biblical justice and the American economic crisis—through personal accounts of impact, poetry, economic analysis, Christian witness (construction, complicity, and resistance), a re-envisioning of economics, prayer, and proposed action steps.