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defending the common good

In Defense of Truth

In the McCarthy Era, newspapers had a problem. They tried hard, as we might say in modern parlance, to be “fair and balanced.” But, in trying to do so, they actually made things worse. Senator Joseph McCarthy would accuse various

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For a House United to Stand

19 mins read

Notes For One Pillar Community   Lincoln quoted Jesus when he said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand” (Matthew 12:25). Jesus also referred to a nation or city divided, and Lincoln was right to apply the verse to a United States divided over slavery. The verse comes from an


In Praise of Summer Camp

12 mins read

The journey to faith in blue jeans and flip flops  Editor’s Note:  As youth, how do we enter a tradition that values the common good? What culture of inquiry, based in trust, leads to a sense of responsibility that goes beyond rigid obedience? Here is one time-honored way: summer camp.


In Defense of Truth

13 mins read

In the McCarthy Era, newspapers had a problem. They tried hard, as we might say in modern parlance, to be “fair and balanced.” But, in trying to do so, they actually made things worse. Senator Joseph McCarthy would accuse various Americans of being Communists and Soviet spies. Newspapers would then
