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Educate a Child Transform the World

Pedagogy for the Distressed

Thinking about the Mission of Public Education Setting the Stage: Why Does It Matter? Educating Whole People: A New ‘Common Core’ , Rev. Ginna Bairby The Centrality of Education in the Reformed Tradition, Duncan S. Ferguson Our Theology of Public

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Pedagogy for the Distressed

3 mins read

Thinking about the Mission of Public Education Setting the Stage: Why Does It Matter? Educating Whole People: A New ‘Common Core’ , Rev. Ginna Bairby The Centrality of Education in the Reformed Tradition, Duncan S. Ferguson Our Theology of Public Education, Rev. Dr. Ray Roberts Toward a Theology of the

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Educating for Values, Not Doctrine

13 mins read

The Kirk School What is this anomaly?! A church school that doesn’t teach doctrine? A neighborhood mission that does not proselytize the Christian faith? How does this satisfy Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and preach…” Are we not missing our best opportunity to spread the gospel and

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Into the Words…Recalling Our History

12 mins read

The Domestic Expression of “Educate a Child: Transform the World” To learn more about and participate in the domestic component of this initiative, go to The 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in a very welcome action, affirmed what is known as the Educate A Child

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The Prime Time Parade

12 mins read

Walking the Church/School Boundary It’s a daily parade. Every morning as the sun rises over Mount Rainier, children leave the back door of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tacoma and walk 2 blocks up I street to Lowell elementary school. The parade reverses direction in the afternoon. The 40 or so

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Somewhere to Start

2 mins read

The “Educate a Child, Transform the World” Campaign in the PC(USA) “Educate a Child, Transform the World”: International, Interview with Frank Dimmock “Great progress has been made in increasing access and enrollment. However, the numbers of students has greatly outpaced the numbers of qualified teachers and available resources, thus classes

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Toward a Theology of the Child

10 mins read

“Children should be seen and not heard.” I imagine most readers have heard the adage. I can remember hearing that phrase more than once as a child. As I came to understand it, children were some sort of interesting conversation piece – enjoyable to have around as long as they

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Setting the Stage

3 mins read

Why Education? The title of this issue, ‘A Pedagogy for the Distressed’, echoes Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a seminal work both for critical pedagogy and liberation theology. Many are distressed about the state of education, both in the U.S. and around the world, and yet most if not
