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Digging Up Dirt On the Millennial Generation

25 mins read

A look at the cultural and religious experiences that have shaped young adults and their desires for the church Article shared from Presbyterians Today Illustrations by Abby King-Kaiser Right now, in many congregations across America, a similar conversation is taking place—after worship over coffee, among pastors and staff, during women

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“I Wanna Be Rich”

13 mins read

The Kingdom of God and the Myth of the American Dream I am the son of first-generation, working-class Korean immigrants. My family lived a difficult but fairly typical immigrant life: My parents went through many failed attempts at starting small businesses in the US, but when push came to shove,

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The YAV Program Ruined My Life – For Good!

4 mins read

This is a joke that commonly gets tossed around by Young Adult Volunteer Alumni, but for me, it’s the truth. I had my life and career completely planned out in college – I was going to become a photojournalist and travel the world. So how is it that five years

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‘There’s No Place Like Home’

6 mins read

I am a born-and-bred Midwestern boy. It is in my blood and is reflected in my decisions and actions. For better or worse, wherever I live or travel, I see things through Indiana-colored lenses. I have also always had strong Presbyterian roots; some of my earliest memories are from VBS

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Mutuality In Mission

12 mins read

Birth, Death, and Solidarity in the YAV Program Our Church’s approach to mission work has changed dramatically in recent decades – and continues to change! In the traditional understanding of mission, the missionary operates from a mission compound, from a position of power and control, and relates with a condescending

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Self Development in the City

14 mins read

When I was small, my grandfather used to tell me that the shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept.” It made a strong impression on me, perhaps because it was the only verse I can remember him quoting. It was powerful to think of Jesus, the Son of God,


Contextual Theology in Youth Ministry

11 mins read

Growing up in the mountains of Western Maryland, youth ministry was an integral part of my life. Most of my friends attended church, and I found myself regularly joining their youth groups. I’d say during my middle and high school years, I was going to some sort of church youth


Cardboard and Concrete

13 mins read

My experience with street ministry in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Neighborhood did not save anyone. It did not fix anyone’s problems or end homelessness. But I believe that it made a difference in an important way that continues to ripple out into the world; it has done so in my life. My

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