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education - Page 3

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Educating for Values, Not Doctrine

13 mins read

The Kirk School What is this anomaly?! A church school that doesn’t teach doctrine? A neighborhood mission that does not proselytize the Christian faith? How does this satisfy Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and preach…” Are we not missing our best opportunity to spread the gospel and

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Not Confined to the Margins

16 mins read

Presbyterian Racial Ethnic Schools and Colleges Emilio Vazquez is originally from Mexico City. He was attending a private school in his hometown and had never imagined that attending high school anywhere other than Mexico City was an option for him. That all changed 4 years ago, when he started having

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Paying Rent Through Service

13 mins read

Freedom Schools with the Children’s Defense Fund The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools program is a summer literacy program that mostly, but not exclusively, serves children of color in low-income communities. The program seeks to instill the love of reading and prevent summer learning loss in participants through generating

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Taking Back Our Education

10 mins read

The Rising Cost of College Tuition I recently overheard a father discussing college tuition and loans with his son. “When I was in college, I just took a summer job to pay my tuition,” the father earnestly argued. He was genuinely confused that his son was not able to pay

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Into the Words…Recalling Our History

12 mins read

The Domestic Expression of “Educate a Child: Transform the World” To learn more about and participate in the domestic component of this initiative, go to The 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in a very welcome action, affirmed what is known as the Educate A Child

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Her Voice Matters

15 mins read

Women’s Colleges and Female Empowerment The tragedy of my educational history is not that in some middle school classroom, the twin pressures of puberty and a plummeting self-esteem finally forced me into silence. The tragedy is that no one noticed. Quiet boys are strange. When a boy goes quiet, people

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Strategies and Solutions

3 mins read

Seeds of Hope for the Future of Education The Prime Time Parade: Walking the Church/School Boundary, Rev. Dave Brown “Prime Time is a religion-free zone so that it affirms the separation of church and state and so that it embodies Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbors.” Read Article sdf Her

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The Prime Time Parade

12 mins read

Walking the Church/School Boundary It’s a daily parade. Every morning as the sun rises over Mount Rainier, children leave the back door of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tacoma and walk 2 blocks up I street to Lowell elementary school. The parade reverses direction in the afternoon. The 40 or so


Degrees of Debt

13 mins read

Starting the Conversation at Home “Go to college”, they told me. “It’s the only way you can get a good, well-paying job.” I graduated college in 2007. The economic downturn started right before I graduated. I majored in English, not exactly what most people consider a ‘marketable’ or ‘practical’ degree?

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