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Racial Justice - Page 14

7 Ways White Jesus Perpetuates White Supremacy

For many white folk, the image of Christ as a white man is normal. Portraits by the famous artist, Warren Sallman, hung is many white households instilling the image of the white Jesus in the minds of white church members.

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Young Adults: Will We Stay?

18 mins read

Two Contrasting Narratives of What Happened at the General Assembly Reveal a Critical Generation Gap By Patrick David Heery, Unbound Managing Editor   View and Print as PDF.   Talk to enough social justice-minded Presbyterians and you’ll likely hear two distinct interpretations of the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly. Narrative One:

Abbi Heimach

My Invisible Backpack (Spoken Word Video)

10 mins read

A poem, born in post-apartheid South Africa, revived for the global Joining Hands Initiative; a spoken word reflection about white and Global North privilege, driven by Peggy McIntosh’s invisible knapsack metaphor. By Abbi Heimach   Sometimes it takes a journey, a journey that shakes-up your worldview so much that there


Just Polity

9 mins read

The Justice Implications of the Presbyterian Mid-Council Report By Alex Becker, reporting on structural changes being considered by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly   Walking down the hall on the third floor of the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, you’d think the Mid-Council committee was one of

welcome to louisville seminary

Close Enough to Get Hurt

12 mins read

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary It is not enough to say ‘Ain’t it awful,’ you have to get close enough to get hurt. By Alex Becker   Read and print as PDF.   This phrase—spoken during a sermon in Louisville Seminary’s Caldwell Chapel in 1994 and posted on the steps leading

Princeton Theological Seminary

Dangerous Faith: A Mandate for Dislocation

12 mins read

Princeton Theological Seminary Getting out of our LA-Z-Boy theologizing and the safety of our blogs, and into the dangerous terrain of taking action, encountering otherness, and altering our perceptions of reality—dangerous precisely for its capacity to transform us, society, and the church. By Daniel Yang   View and print as

ITC Ministry Conference

A Seminary where the Students Are Still Marching

15 mins read

Interdenominational Theological Center Elyse Ambrose examines the strong history of commitment to justice that the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) has demonstrated and how that same enthusiasm exists in the ITC community today. She outlines the perspectives and justice concerns of students and faculty. Academic courses that support the cause of

Josh Newton

Is Diversity Enough?

15 mins read

Princeton Theological Seminary In hasty attempts to have healthy communities now, institutions engage conflict-avoiding diversity practices that often ignore topics such as privilege and hegemony, because such discussions create tension and discomfort. But, tension and discomfort for whom? By Josh Newton   View and print as PDF.   Princeton Theological

Carl Lowery, Interdenominational Theological Center student

Social Justice: Breaking It Down

9 mins read

Interdenominational Theological Center By Rev. C.W. Lowery   View and print as PDF.   Evolution of the church My concern for the nature of the church is not for the social justice successes or failures of past generations; my concern is for this generation—a generation adept at identifying and critiquing

PTS Latino alumni panel

Remembering Our Community: Empowering the Latin@ Community

7 mins read

Princeton Theological Seminary Association of Latin@ Seminarians Alumni Panel By Ariana Salazar-Newton   View and print as PDF.   On March 29, 2012, at Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS), students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and even prospective students gathered for the Association of Latin@ Seminarians alumni panel: “Remembering Our Community: Empowering the

David Abalos and Latino/a Alumni Panel

Empowering La Comunidad Latina

8 mins read

Princeton Theological Seminary Creating a Faculty and Curriculum for a Transformative Seminary Education The following is an excerpt of David Abalos’ presentation at Princeton Theological Seminary. See the entire presentation here. By David T. Abalos   Four Kinds of Education and Seminarian Development The development of the young seminarian is

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