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“You Look Like a Thug!”

Dog-Whistling and Sin-Talk It happened most recently on a family trip to a museum. This trip was particularly special because the museum had recently accepted my wife’s fiber art piece into one of its shows. I sat outside the gallery

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“You Look Like a Thug!”

19 mins read

Dog-Whistling and Sin-Talk It happened most recently on a family trip to a museum. This trip was particularly special because the museum had recently accepted my wife’s fiber art piece into one of its shows. I sat outside the gallery on a balcony that overlooked the small theater that was

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Why White Privilege Isn’t Going Away

15 mins read

A Theological Reflection Why can’t white folks in general – and white Christians in particular – be rid of the problems of white privilege and racism? Why can’t a board, a vestry, a session, or pastors and Christian Educators simply do the things necessary to solve the problem of ‘race

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Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience

13 mins read

Interview with Author James B. Nelson Special from Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association (PHEWA). (See also Read interviewer Rev. Chuck Booker’s own reflections on addiction in his article Spiritus Contra Spiritum! A renowned Christian ethicist who spent most of his career at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities,

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Sin And Addiction: Conceptual Enemies or Fellow Travelers?

41 mins read

Excerpts The article excerpted below was originally published in Religions Journal. You can also download the full article as a PDF. Mercadante, Linda. “Sin and Addiction: Conceptual Enemies or Fellow Travelers?.” Religions 6(2) (2015): 614-625. Accessed May 14, 2015. doi:10.3390/rel6020614. Abstract: The addiction recovery metaphor of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
