6 Things To Do During The Election - Unbound

6 Things To Do During The Election

Today is the day. It is Election Day. Anxiety is up and the polarity of the country is at an all time high. We are also in a pandemic which adds to the stress of the moment. But today, we are called to express our voice and continue to fight for justice.

Here are 6 Things we can do during the Election:

  1. Breathe.
    We are in anxious times and we must remember to take care of ourselves.  Take moments of silence today. Turn away from social media for a little while. Focus on your breath. Remember to breathe.

  2. VOTE!
    If you haven’t voted or filled out your mail-in ballot, make sure you vote! If your mail-in ballot is filled out, make sure you take it to a ballot drop box because mail could be backed up and we want your vote to count. If you can and feel comfortable, mask up and social distance and head to your nearest polling place. To find your nearest polling place, click here

  3. Prepare to wait.
    Because of the pandemic and an enormous amount of mail-in ballots, we may not find out the winner of the election. We have to prepare ourselves to wait and be patient. All votes should be counted because that is how democracy works.

  4. Discount misinformation and conspiracy theories.
    There is a lot of misinformation and conspiracy theories going around about an increase in voter fraud and cheating. It has been proven over and over that mail-in ballots do not lead to fraud. This misinformation is an intentional way to suppress the vote and should be discounted at all times.

  5. Rethink the power of this election. 
    This election is important. However, this election will not totally fix the problems of this country. Racism and white supremacy will continue to thrive. Poverty, the destruction of our environment, the pandemic will continue to be issues in this country. We have to keep the momentum going to move toward a more just and equitable society. 

  6. Watch Just Talk Live: Election Night!
    Do you need another perspective besides the regular news coverage of the election? This evening, Just Talk Live will be covering the election through the lens of faith. Beginning at 6pmEDT, we will welcome young adults to have a round table discussing how to move forward post-election. And at 7pmEDT, we will welcome various guests around the country to give us commentary on the election. Join us on Facebook or Twitter!

This JustList was produced by the Unbound team. 

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