Melva Lowry

America’s Hardened Heart

The 2020 Presidential Election is just days away and the heart of America has been hardened. The rhetoric is that a vote for Trump is a vote for America. There are many Christians who believe that Trump is God’s chosen

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12 mins read

Where to Begin When the Ending is Just the Beginning When I started, it was clear what I should write for this devotion. Like all good procrastinators I did not write anything down. It was raw and emotional, and though that makes for great content, it needed to settle. So,


Who Do You Love?

17 mins read

On this pandemic Valentine’s Day (or day after) I wanted us to really think about love. I know it seems cliche to have a post about love on this highly capitalistic holiday, but you know this will not be just the ordinary “love your neighbor” (Mark 12:31) kind of post.


In God We Trust

10 mins read

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and


America’s Hardened Heart

10 mins read

The 2020 Presidential Election is just days away and the heart of America has been hardened. The rhetoric is that a vote for Trump is a vote for America. There are many Christians who believe that Trump is God’s chosen one to lead the country. I thought Jesus Christ was?


White Allyship

11 mins read

Many people have begun to head to the polls to vote. Some will wait until November 3rd to cast their votes. Today is a great time to talk about what it means to be an ally. Voting is one of the biggest ways people show their alliance and allyship. As


Black and Presbyterian in America

14 mins read

A lot has transpired between the Week of Action and my partaking in the Young Adult Round Table. It is 2020 and to say that so much happens in a day, in a week, is now normal. Lately it seems extra heavy and unbearable. Where I feel numb, I also
