
Health and Harmony in Ecological Economics

20 mins read

Pathways to Sustainability Editor’s Note: The nature of recovery lies in the recovery of nature. With fires raging in the West and hurricanes hammering Texas and Florida, many of us wish our country were still trying to fulfill its Paris climate pledge, and not gutting the EPA or unleashing polluters.


Keeping Our Lamps Burning

13 mins read

Faith in a Time of Climate Peril Within a song or hymn, one can often find insights into how to cope with setbacks and hardships. The old African-American spiritual “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning” presents a dim reality: a “darker midnight lies before us, for the time is drawing


In Defense of Truth

13 mins read

In the McCarthy Era, newspapers had a problem. They tried hard, as we might say in modern parlance, to be “fair and balanced.” But, in trying to do so, they actually made things worse. Senator Joseph McCarthy would accuse various Americans of being Communists and Soviet spies. Newspapers would then


Don’t Display Your Solidarity, Express it!

9 mins read

Article originally published in the Presbyterian Outlook on November 15, 2016: https://pres-outlook.org/2016/11/dont-display-solidarity-express/ This is not a piece about Standing Rock and the water protectors. This is a reflection to expand the narrative of what happened during the clergy action visit to Standing Rock on November 3, 2016. For information about


Breaking Down Walls: A Collaborative Response to Climate Change

12 mins read

Originally published on October 27, 2016 at http://www.fossilfreepcusablog.org/blog/breaking-down-walls-a-collaborative-response-to-climate-change Environmental advocates on all sides of the PC(USA)’s divestment debate at June’s General Assembly meeting were dismayed, if not depressed, by the outcome. We entered the week with one widely supported overture from Fossil Free PCUSA and 31 presbyteries, three well supported

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