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God, the Keening Woman: Wailing the Lost

Communal expressions of grief have been shaped over time by religion, gender and power in ways that leave us with few ways to express mourning in public. In response to the #NamingTheLost, a vigil in which over 24 hours people

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Our Country is in the Midst of Twin Pandemics

6 mins read

Our country is in the midst of twin pandemics. One, the coronavirus pandemic, is dominating headlines. The other is a nationwide spike in gun violence. Gun violence is up in cities across the country. On Independence Day Weekend, violence broke out in cities nationwide, including two shootings in my hometown


Adjusting to the Pandemic: A Teacher’s Story

11 mins read

When the COVID-19 officially became a pandemic back in March, states, businesses, and schools were forced to shut down. School districts, administrators, and teachers were stepping into unchartered waters and asked to provide high quality education and teaching for the remainder of the school year to their students. Teachers were


6 Ways White People Can Dismantle White Supremacy

4 mins read

In a moment when our Asian siblings are being harassed, when people of color are disproportionately being affected by COVID-19, when white protesters are storming capitol buildings putting economy over lives, when white people instinctively call the police on people of color, and when black men are dying because of


Trouble with the Curve

6 mins read

As I look out the window of my home in New York City, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, the sun is shining. And the birds are chirping. On a typical NYC day, I rarely ever hear the birds over the noise of the city.


Hymns in the Midst of Pandemic

6 mins read

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a sharp reminder about human frailty even as it has been an occasion of tremendous generosity, hospitality, self-sacrifice, compassion, and love. For all the good we have seen, we have also suffered through an openly and proudly racist, sexist, anti-science, homophobic, xenophobic government that cares only


Voter Suppression and COVID-19

8 mins read

As the 2020 Presidential election quickly approaches, it is more critical than ever that we take action to reclaim the values and promise of our electoral process. Since a 2013 Supreme Court ruling gutted the Voting Rights Act, voter suppression has been on the rise and has denied voting rights
