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Social Witness of the Church: Commentary on Foothills Overture #1 (4-01)

12 mins read

This post was originally published as part of the Presbyterian Outlook’s coverage of the Foothills overtures at We live in times of tremendous cultural change. We also live in times of high anxiety as a church, having lost so many congregations over the past two years. During these times,


Fossil Fuel Divestment: Strengthening Our Response to an Urgent Crisis

11 mins read

A Perspective from Fossil Free PC(USA) In the shadow of the Paris Accords, rising global temperatures, and changing climates, we are thankful for the many voices discussing climate change in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We recognize that our denomination has suffered and survived turmoil in the wake of the last


A View from the Inside/Outside

17 mins read

Watching the PC(USA)’s Task Force to Review and Help Reform Drug Policy in the United States Months earlier, the process had already begun. Members of a task force appointed by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America had convened twice,


The Role of the PC(USA) in Ending the AIDS Crisis

11 mins read

A version of this article was originally published by the Austin American Statesmant at This new version is published with permission. The HIV and AIDS epidemic is now more than three decades old. Almost 35 million people have died from AIDS-related causes. Fortunately, at a critical juncture fifteen years ago,


To Break the Shackles

13 mins read

Palestinian Children and Israeli Military Detention “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.” –Matthew 2:18 Presbyterians affirm that the Holy Spirit gives us courage “to hear the voices of peoples long silenced.”


30 Days with the Belhar Confession

1 min read

Reflections on Unity, Reconciliation and Justice This useful companion to the Belhar Confession, published by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, weaves together Scripture passages and the Confession’s timely themes of unity, reconciliation and justice. Written by a diverse collection of scholars, theologians and church leaders, it is the perfect resource for


A Pathway to Just Peace in Israel/Palestine

11 mins read

Statement by the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship This statement was originally published by the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship on April 21, 2016 on their website at The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship thanks the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) for its document, Israel-Palestine: For Human Values in the Absence of a

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