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Horizons - Page 2

The YAV Program: Lives Set on New ‘Routes’

The motto of the Young Adult Volunteer Program (YAV for short) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reads, “A year of service for a lifetime of change.” The YAV Program is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church that has engaged and

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“In the In-Between”: Expanding Your Roots

13 mins read

Don’t miss the playlist and reading list to accompany this article! “God is in the in-between.” When I first heard this phrase, my mind immediately went to middle school dance chaperones telling kids to “save room for Jesus” when slow dancing (in other words, “Don’t grow up too fast!”). This

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Millennials, Communal Living, and the Fourfold Path

9 mins read

I continue to be impressed by how deeply the 2008 recession has impacted the faith of today’s 20-somethings, and I continue to be frustrated by how poorly institutional churches as a whole have responded to this exciting and game-changing generational trend. While previous generations expected self-sufficiency, there is a strong

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Roots Entangled: My Bi-National Marriage

16 mins read

The older I get, the more aware I become of a natural order in life – the more I notice how our individual lives often mimic a similar pattern to other organisms on earth. Just as trees grow deep roots even in the most impossible places, human beings also have


Roots or Idols?

17 mins read

An Opening Editorial I’ve always struggled with the idea of roots. It’s not that I don’t appreciate where I’ve come from or have deep love and gratitude for my family and the community that have raised me, nourished me, and made me who I am today. But when asked to


Settling In, Putting Down Roots

12 mins read

Moving to a new city is no easy feat. I’ve done it twice in my life thus far, and I wouldn’t wish the difficulty of moving and getting settled in a new city on anyone! Many people find themselves moving to a new city because of happy, exciting changes in their
