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music - Page 4

Can Inclusion Go Too Far?

As an editor, I’m used to going in search of articles, but this time the article found me! While brainstorming for this Advent issue, I came across the following Facebook conversation among several friends. This article documents the beginning of

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Untold Stories

4 mins read

[ezcol_1half] AUTHOR BIO: Buju Banton (Mark Anthony Myrie) is a Jamaican dancehall, ragga, and reggae musician. He is known for recording songs dealing with sociopolitical topics. He is a convert to Rastafarianism, and much of his music reflects his spirituality. He is a controversial figure on several accounts, but our

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(Nothing But) Flowers – The Talking Heads

3 mins read

In keeping with this week’s theme of eco-justice, the editors of Unbound would like to offer this tongue-in-cheek musical reflection by The Talking Heads about modern convenience, our consumerist society, and the earth. Keep in mind that this song and video were released in 1988 — the statistics given in

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Syria: “Lives in the Balance”

9 mins read

Like many in the United States and around the world, reading the news about Syria has untapped within me a well of emotions.  But along with so many emotions and opinions, a single song has been running through my head – “Lives in the Balance” by American singer-songwriter Jackson Browne.

john pitney

Three “Keeping the Garden” Songs

15 mins read

“This song is for the parched masses: endan­gered crea­tures who have no voice and human beings with deserts in their throats.” Visit John Pitney’s website for more of his music and to purchase one of his three CDs.   Words & Music by John Pitney Water Song reflections on psalm

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