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stones, photo by Radoslaw Piekarz

Throwing Stones: A Sermon about Domestic Violence

The following sermon is an excerpt from Shook Foil Books Young Preachers Compilation, a collection of twenty thoughtful sermons from young (under forty-years-old) church leaders. Springing from a diverse array of ministry contexts, these sermons reveal the strength, creativity, and

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stones, photo by Radoslaw Piekarz

Throwing Stones: A Sermon about Domestic Violence

21 mins read

The following sermon is an excerpt from Shook Foil Books Young Preachers Compilation, a collection of twenty thoughtful sermons from young (under forty-years-old) church leaders. Springing from a diverse array of ministry contexts, these sermons reveal the strength, creativity, and thoughtfulness of today’s emerging voices. This collection will inspire and

photo of the Book of Isaiah

The Public Square as Sacred Space

23 mins read

A Sermon on Isaiah 59:1-4, 9-16, 21 By the Rev. Shannon Daley-Harris   Rev. Daley-Harris preached the following sermon at Maryville College Chapel, tracing the progress in Isaiah 59 from complaint to confession to calling. The public square—flyered with eviction notices and photos of children gunned down—is, she argues, precisely

"The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes" by James Tissot, Brooklyn Museum

Reflecting with Scripture on Community Organizing

22 mins read

By Reverend Jeffrey K. Krehbiel The following is an excerpt from Reflecting with Scripture on Community Organizing (c) 2010 by Rev. Jeffrey K Krehbiel. Used with permission of the publisher, ACTA Publications,, 800-397-2282. All rights reserved. Copies of the 60-page booklet are available at $5.95 with discounts for multiple copies


Why I Support #OWS as a Reformed Theologian

29 mins read

By W. Travis McMaken   Occupy Wall Street and the movement it spawned (#OWS) proclaims that our social life together in the United States has been tragically undermined by the concentration of wealth and political influence in the hands of a few, thereby disenfranchising the many. The author undertakes to

electric graphic of the word joy

Justice as a Spiritual Practice

31 mins read

By Douglas Mitchell   Associate Pastor for “Faith in Action,” Douglas Mitchell conceived the following article as a presentation for a church adult education class and has adapted it here to propose that the ministry of social justice can in fact be a disciplined spiritual practice bringing us into closer,

photo of a homeless man sleeping on a bible

The Case for Social Righteousness

26 mins read

By Cynthia Rigby   The following is an excerpt from the book by Cynthia Rigby, Promotion of Social Righteousness [Louisville: Witherspoon Press, 2010], 1-11, available from The article is republished here with permission from the author and Witherspoon Press. Dr. Rigby first shows that social righteousness has a long

photo of the Book of Isaiah

Gospeling Beyond Our Preferred Agendas

19 mins read

  Learning from Isaiah that we may neither privatize evangelism nor claim the autonomy of social action.   By Walter Brueggemann   View and print as PDF   The overwhelming theological claim of the Bible in all its parts is that YHWH— creator of heaven and earth, savior and sovereign

2011–2012 Horizons Bible Study. Illustrations by Ann Kim

Confessing the Beatitudes

24 mins read

Horizons Bible Study Lesson: Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a, 25a; Psalm 107:1–9 By Margaret Aymer   “Greatly Honored Are Those Who Are Famished and Parched for Justice!” is one of nine lessons, excerpted from the Confessing the Beatitudes Bible study, by Margaret Aymer, published by Presbyterian Women/Horizons. Used by permission. To

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