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The Word in Transition

Waiting on the Porch: Hope for those Rejected

In Luke 15, the evangelist recounts three parables of Jesus, all with a common theme of finding lost things. The first two are the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. In both stories, one sheep/coin is lost,

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Waiting on the Porch: Hope for those Rejected

15 mins read

In Luke 15, the evangelist recounts three parables of Jesus, all with a common theme of finding lost things. The first two are the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. In both stories, one sheep/coin is lost, and rather than settling for what remains, the shepherd (15:1-7)


Toxic Trans Masculinity & Gideon – Part 2

16 mins read

In the first chapters of the Gideon narrative (Judges 6-7), an angel approaches Gideon while he is hiding in a wine press and informs him that God is calling him to be the judge and deliverer of Israel. As transgender people must grapple with disbelief, acceptance, and coming out, Gideon


Toxic Trans Masculinity & Gideon: Part 1

15 mins read

Judges 6-8 depict the Gideon cycle of judgeship over the Israelites and unlike many of the judge narratives, Gideon’s story contains large amount of detail allowing Gideon to undergo significant character development. The Gideon who is called in Judges 6 is timid and insecure, whereas the Gideon who dies in


An Ally to a Trans Jesus, Part 3: The Anointing Woman

11 mins read

Mark’s pericope of the anointing woman (Mark 14:3-9) provides a poignant model of cisgender allyship to the transgender community. The anointing woman shows extravagant care to Jesus as a demonstration of the value of his body and as an acknowledgment of the painful transition he is about to endure. Jesus’


An Ally to a Trans Jesus, Part 2: The Transfiguration

12 mins read

The scene of Jesus’ transfiguration in Mark 9:2-8—not only Peter’s address to Jesus as “rabbi” and his offer to build tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah (Mark 9:2-8) but also God’s affirmation of Jesus’ identity—offers instruction of allyship. Peter’s inappropriate response to Jesus’ transformation parallels poor allyship in which a


An Ally to a Trans Jesus, Part 1: Peter’s Confession

13 mins read

In Mark 8:27-33, on the way to Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” The disciples offer several possibilities: John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the other prophets. Having heard all of the incorrect ways by which he is identified, Jesus turns the
