World Council of Churches Archives - Unbound
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World Council of Churches

Reconciled Diversity

An Ecumenical Vision for the 21st Century “In Christ God was reconciling the world…and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.” –II Corinthians 5:19 You won’t be surprised that a professor of Ecumenical Studies has chosen to write on the

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“Reconciliation” and “Unity”

11 mins read

Before arriving to the 11th Assembly on the World Council of Churches, I had no expectations or really any idea as to what I was about to attend. “Reconciliation” and “unity” were heavily sprinkled throughout the merchandise and materials we received, and those words were heard and seen more than

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Ecumenical Pilgrims

14 mins read

Come Join the Journey Toward New Moral and Global Horizons As a New Yorker with no car, I walk a lot. I find myself evaluating a new pair of shoes based on the mileage I imagine clocking in them, and anytime I explore a new area of the city, figuring

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Mainline Ecumenism: It’s Older Than You Think

14 mins read

Words both denote and connote, which is to say that they both mean something and suggest a constellation of associated ideas, images, and feelings. Ecumenism means, simply, cooperation among Christian churches. The word connotes, however, a certain kind of cooperation among a certain subset of churches. The image it brings

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Reconciled Diversity

29 mins read

An Ecumenical Vision for the 21st Century “In Christ God was reconciling the world…and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.” –II Corinthians 5:19 You won’t be surprised that a professor of Ecumenical Studies has chosen to write on the gift of the ecumenical movement for our common Christian pilgrimage.
