Chris Iosso

photo of the wall

Bethlehem—More Besieged than Ever

December 20, 2011, by Chris Iosso, A Christmas Editorial    When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we should also pray for Bethlehem. Most readers will know that the city is largely surrounded by a high cement wall. Israeli

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photo of protestors

Invite Them In

11 mins read

A RESPONSE TO THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT November 1, 2011, by Editor Chris Iosso, who invites Christians into dialogue about the role the church should play in the Occupy Movement.   A golden calf—that looks like the Wall Street bull statue—is carried through New York’s Zuccotti Park encampment by a bunch

drawing of Jesus weeping

How Dark an Economic Night Does It Have To Be?

17 mins read

Introducing the first theme-issue of Unbound: One editor’s overview (Note: it will be our practice to have two editorials in many cases, to underline the difference in generational perspective between our Editor and our Managing Editor. Patrick Heery’s introductory editorial follows this one.)   [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] In the


Who Are We, & Why Now?

8 mins read

An Opening Editorial in Q & A Form September 28, 2011 by Chris Iosso [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Why a new internet journal devoted to social witness and to social justice? Every community communicates by some method; now is the time of the internet. The “weightier matters of the law:

photo of the Palestinian flag

Petition for Palestinian Statehood

1 min read

An Open Letter on Palestinian Statehood From Presbyterian Christians in the United States Sign the Petition: A petition for UN membership for the Palestinian state. It takes very little time to sign the petition (please disregard the automatic request for contribution). Yet it is an important effort to witness

collage of words such as povertym debt, and drought

Past and Present, The Church Speaks on Economic Matters and New Challenges

58 mins read

A General Assembly Policy Review with possible new applications of Reformed Christian Principles 2011 by Christian Iosso, Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy View article in PDF (optimal for printing) [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Economic Crisis: We Have Been Here Before The Church has faced economic crisis before. This policy

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