Unbound Team

5 Ways to be in Solidarity with Palestinians

4 mins read

The decades of occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli government and the current genocide of Palestinians is something no one can ignore, especially people of faith. Our faith moves us to call out the injustices of our world, the killing of thousands of people, and governments that take advantage


6 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month

4 mins read

June is approaching fast which means that Pride month will be upon us soon. Queer and Trans folk all over the country will prepare for parades, dances, drag shows, teaching moments and so much more. But in the last few years, Pride has taken a turn into more capitalistic ventures


Holiday Self-Care Checklist

3 mins read

Gathering with family and friends who question your identity or beliefs is hard and sometimes, the best thing to do is to have an exit plan. Give yourself permission to leave. If you have a friend or supporting family member with you and you feel uncomfortable, have a code word


Indigenous Peoples’ Day Resources

3 mins read

The gifts and the presence of our Indigenous siblings should be celebrated above the horrific acts of colonization and the doctrine of discovery. As we shift our colonized minds toward a more expansive and truthful reality of systemic racism and white supremacy, we must reorient ourselves to listen to our


6 Things to do during Black History Month

3 mins read

Black History Month is now upon us. As February rolls in, we once again turn our attention to the Black liberators, educators, preachers, teachers, ancestors and revolutionaries. Though our hearts and minds should be focused on them all year round, Black History Month centers our Black siblings, and now more


6 Ways to Live into Spirituality

4 mins read

It’s that time of year! Spirits and souls make their ways to our imagination through all things Halloween or All Hallows Eve. But what would it look like if we decommercialized this season and lived into spirituality more? The work of justice stems from a Spirit that moves us and


5 Ways to Advocate for Public Education

4 mins read

As students begin to return to the classroom, we are reminded of the ever growing needs of our public education system. Communities of faith do have a responsibility to be advocates for our students and the people who work in our schools. Our responsibility is grounded in our moral foundation

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