Feb/Mar 2012 Issue Table of Contents
Examining why and how the Christian church should engage the world and its political arena

In dialogue with Rev. Dr. Njoya, Unbound has transcribed, edited, and restructured selections from his book, The Divine Tag on Democracy (Yaounde,
Help Build Eco-Villages in Haiti… Not for, but with By Ruth Farrell, Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program They will build houses and
Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations By the Rev. W. Mark Koenig View and print article as PDF “We are ambassadors
Social Media as the New Agora By Patrick David Heery, Unbound Managing Editor Patrick discusses the implications of a new e-ministry
A Sermon on Isaiah 59:1-4, 9-16, 21 By the Rev. Shannon Daley-Harris Rev. Daley-Harris preached the following sermon at Maryville College
Young adult participation is essential for a new era of political advocacy By Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II View and
By Christian T. Iosso The Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso remembers justice and ecumenism advocate Eugene Carson Blake, former President of the
By W. Travis McMaken Occupy Wall Street and the movement it spawned (#OWS) proclaims that our social life together in the
By Douglas Mitchell Associate Pastor for “Faith in Action,” Douglas Mitchell conceived the following article as a presentation for a church
By Cynthia Rigby The following is an excerpt from the book by Cynthia Rigby, Promotion of Social Righteousness [Louisville: Witherspoon Press,
From False Dichotomies to Gospel Faithfulness Considering what it might take to merge the priorities of evangelism and social justice into one
Learning from Isaiah that we may neither privatize evangelism nor claim the autonomy of social action. By Walter Brueggemann
By Gary Dorrien (The following is an autobiographical reflection from social ethicist, Gary Dorrien, also appearing in “On Living Faith” series
Horizons Bible Study Lesson: Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a, 25a; Psalm 107:1–9 By Margaret Aymer “Greatly Honored Are Those Who Are Famished
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