A Perspective from Fossil Free PC(USA) In the shadow of the Paris Accords, rising global temperatures, and changing climates, we are thankful for the many voices discussing climate change in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We recognize that our denomination has suffered and survived turmoil in the wake of the last
MoreA Response to “Divesting from the Sins of Our Past”
A Perspective from Faithful Alternatives for Engagement with Climate Change The upcoming General Assembly will consider various overtures calling for PC(USA) action on climate change. Ben Perry has discussed the issues in his article “Divesting from the Sins of our Past”. Two groups within our denomination have been especially active
MoreDivesting from the Sins of Our Past
Climate change has quickly emerged as one of the world’s greatest threats. You only need to turn on the television or peruse a newspaper to see the devastating effects on environments and communities around the globe. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a denomination committed to responding to God’s call to
MoreStrands of One Thread: Ecowomanism
Special from the Presbyterian Hunger Program, originally published in the Spring 2016 edition of the PHP Post. The struggle for gender, racial, and economic justice are all parts of the same thread, and deal with similar questions of power and privilege. Rev. Dr. Melanie L. Harris, Associate Professor of Religion
MoreThis week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. Over the past 12 years, my call in ministry has been to the bayous of Louisiana, home to communities that have undergone hurricanes, oil spills, economic losses from imported seafood, and the splintering of extended
MoreThis week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. In our time of climate change, what does it mean to gather at the Table? Can our thanksgiving and intercession, our taking, blessing, breaking, and sharing bread, shape our response to the entire
MoreThis week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. It’s been said by environmentalists from Al Gore to Daniel Quinn that a frog put in a pot of slowly heating water will not panic or try to escape until it is already cooked.
MoreUnbinding Creation: Children of Dust, Children of God
This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. Climate change is a reality that simply cannot be denied any longer. 97% of scientists agree that the changes in earth’s temperatures and weather patterns are caused by human action. Even if we
MoreJones Town Baptist Church Lives the Isaiah 58 Ideal Wishing to cater to the whole family and the wider community, Rev. Doreen Wynter and her team at Jones Town Baptist (along with parent congregation Bethel Baptist) decided to think outside the box and transform an abandoned housing development lot into
MoreA Call to Build Alternative Economies in Normal Times
“For 50 or 60 years, we have let ourselves believe that as long as we have money we will have food. This is a mistake. If we continue our offenses against the land and the labor by which we are fed, the food supply will decline, and we will have
Unbound Social