Must we still do nothing?

13 mins read

Christians are called to engage with politics in a way that keeps our nation from abusing its power. When I came to Unbound almost two years ago, I was motivated by a two-part conviction about Christianity and the United States—a conviction that I still hold. Firstly, I believe that our


This Advent, We Wait for Justice.

9 mins read

We humans suffer enough already, without abandoning one another. The season of Advent holds inherent tension. Torn between a coming Christmas and present waiting, the heart is pulled and stretched between God’s promise and a reality that falls short. We raise our eyes to the hills, expectant of the breaking


ACSWP Announces Call For Sermons On Jerusalem

7 mins read

How do Presbyterians see today’s Jerusalem in light of the Bible’s witness? This call for sermons is exerpted from ACSWP’s triannual newsletter, Salt & Light. Sign up here to receive those updates.  As part of a study of Jerusalem approved by the 2018 General Assembly, the Advisory Committee on Social


A Prayer for Children’s Sabbath

3 mins read

This Sunday is Children’s Sabbath, a program originally developed by Marian Wright Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund and now recognized by people of many faith traditions. Gracious God, our creator and our teacher, We bring before you names that you already know, of your beloved children. Each of us


Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor!

9 mins read

A Pastoral Response to the Migrant Caravan I’ve been watching reports of the migrant caravan from Central America, awestruck by the grit and determination of those refugees. What is it like to leave your home and walk for weeks to a place you’ve never seen, not knowing if you will


Healing Healthcare

21 mins read

A Neurosurgeon and a Pastor Work Hand-in-hand for Universal Healthcare Unbound interviewed Dr. Bohmfalk and Rev. Thomas together because they demonstrate that faith and science have intersecting roles in inspiring just outcomes. They are an effective team in advocacy for an issue that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), along with other


We Now Have Three Branches of Undemocratic Government

12 mins read

“Governments deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed [and] whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…” – The Declaration of Independence Although too few Americans were allowed to vote in Jefferson’s day,


Standing Up for the Iran Nuclear Agreement

10 mins read

For the past 40 years, the United States and Iran have had a hostile relationship interrupted by brief periods of cooperation. The 2015 nuclear deal was the high point of relations and the product of intense, acknowledged bilateral as well as multilateral diplomacy. That agreement is now in jeopardy because


Order In The Globe—Enlarging Our Moral Horizons

13 mins read

Endorsing the ACSWP Resolution on Global Order and National Purpose Editor’s Note: Unbound is affiliated with the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, with both current editors assisting in the process of bringing ACSWP resolutions before the General Assembly. We welcome contradicting opinions, in the hope that Unbound may be a forum for


A Nonviolent Victory and the Power of the Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem

13 mins read

Collective nonviolent action in Palestine lives, and it helps account for the steadfastness of Palestinian endurance under the occupation. Though little known, the events of July 2017 in Jerusalem provide an example of successful nonviolence rooted in the core religious and communal identity of Palestinians, particularly in Jerusalem. After two

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