
America’s Hardened Heart

10 mins read

The 2020 Presidential Election is just days away and the heart of America has been hardened. The rhetoric is that a vote for Trump is a vote for America. There are many Christians who believe that Trump is God’s chosen one to lead the country. I thought Jesus Christ was?


SCOTUS Has Fallen: A Letter from the Editor

4 mins read

I woke up this morning with little to no sleep, reading the headlines and watching videos about the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. I woke up this morning to tweets and Instagram posts from queer people scared that their marriage will be


4 Reasons Christians Should Vote

3 mins read

Now more than ever the American people are heading to the polls to cast their votes for local, state, and federal elections. We are putting on our masks and going to voting polls. We are mailing in our mail-in ballots by the thousands. This election is important! Why? Because within


6 Reasons Healthcare is a Christian Issue

5 mins read

Healthcare is once again in the public eye with the confirmation hearings of Amy Comey Barrett to be seated on the United States Supreme Court. In the past, she has sided with many conservatives to denounce the Affordable Care Act which protects people with preexisting conditions and allows people


5 Ways to Rethink Labor Day

3 mins read

Labor Day is usually thought of as a time of rest, vacation, parties, and beaches. However, COVID has changed some of those plans, or at least should change those plans. Because of the pandemic, millions are out of work, creating a sense of insecurity for families and causing an economic


Adjusting to the Pandemic: A Teacher’s Story

11 mins read

When the COVID-19 officially became a pandemic back in March, states, businesses, and schools were forced to shut down. School districts, administrators, and teachers were stepping into unchartered waters and asked to provide high quality education and teaching for the remainder of the school year to their students. Teachers were


Welcoming in the Time of COVID

10 mins read

I see her waiting for me through the plate glass window that separates us. On her work uniform, her name is written in blue threads that match the kitenge headscarf she’s wearing. I recognize it. It’s the same kitenge she wore on a brutally cold December morning when she walked


Trouble with the Curve

6 mins read

As I look out the window of my home in New York City, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, the sun is shining. And the birds are chirping. On a typical NYC day, I rarely ever hear the birds over the noise of the city.

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