During Montreat College Conference 2020, Unbound partnered with the Young Adult Volunteer Program to have an open conversation with young adults about the future of the church and where they would like to see the church in the future. Having the perspective of our siblings who will inherit the mission of the
On November 20, 2019, the Presbytery of Hudson River formally transferred the title of the former Stony Point Presbyterian church and associated property to the Sweetwater Cultural Center, a newly formed organization dedicated “to promote the education, health and welfare of indigenous or native peoples and to preserve their cultures
The Solution to Homelessness is a Conversion Experience
Many good-hearted people of faith are at the forefront of the fight against homelessness in the United States. In fact, without the involvement of religious communities, few if any resources for neighbors struggling with homeless would exist. Soup kitchens, overnight shelters, daytime resource centers, treatment programs, and permanent housing are
The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) is pleased to announce the creation of a speaker’s bureau to provide education facilitators for congregations and mid-councils. The goal of the initiative is to help all levels of the PC(USA) to access and investigate the many social witness policies of the
In May of 2019, the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC) released a statement that it was “compelled to advocate for [the] continuation of safe, legal abortion rights nationwide”, resting on past PC(USA) policy to support this position. As ACWC’s statement notes, PC(USA) policy in support of a woman’s right
How do Presbyterians see today’s Jerusalem in light of the Bible’s witness? This call for sermons is exerpted from ACSWP’s triannual newsletter, Salt & Light. Sign up here to receive those updates. As part of a study of Jerusalem approved by the 2018 General Assembly, the Advisory Committee on Social
Looking Back and Looking Forward: Renewing a Conversation about Mission in Hazard, Kentucky
Six Pastors met with Representatives of three General Assembly Programs. On October 22, the Presbytery of Transylvania’s Eastern region hosted a lunch with representatives of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. This is a brief report on why that conversation was
Committee 06 at GA 223 At the 223rd General Assembly, Committee 6 handled issues of Church Polity and Ordered Ministry. It saw quite a bit of business, but there were three main issues before the committee: providing family and parental leave, responding to to abuse by church leaders, and considering
Nuclear Disarmament— Renewing Hope, Against All Odds
As Hiroshima Day approaches, how does the Church reckon with the Nuclear Age? August 6 and 9, 1945, are the days that the United States Air Force dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing immediate and slower deaths in those Japanese cities in excess of 100,000. Ever since, most
Attending GA With Clouds of Witness and Hopes of Transfiguration Rev. Johnson delivered the original version of this speech live at the Compassion, Peace and Justice dinner of the 223rd General Assembly in St. Louis on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018. I sat in my kitchen with a breakfast sandwich and
Unbound Social