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Any person who identifies as an “exvangelical”, or someone who has left the conservative evangelical tradition, has their own story and possibly carries their own baggage. No two experiences are the same. However, we are often lumped together as people

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Auld Lang Syne: A Reflection on Pastoral Realities

15 mins read

Auld Lang Syne literally translates to “old long since.” This poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 questions the listener to reflect upon days gone by. It seems appropriate to name that very familiar tune in light of the viral response to the resignation of Rev. Alexander Lang from church


Neurodiversity and the Church

12 mins read

I was diagnosed with ADHD less than a week after graduating from seminary. The diagnosis was a kind of grace, permission to forgive myself for what I’d thought were moral failures. That’s why my room and desk were a perpetual mess. That’s why I’d started writing my forty-page thesis three


When Will Ego Destroy The Church?

15 mins read

We’ve seen throughout the centuries and with the advancement of technologies like radio, then TV, then streaming, cable, podcasts, etc. that someone, a person or people, drives the motivation and the charisma of a faith space. They may be preachers, directors, musicians, televangelists, or lay leaders. There is something about


FPC Hudson & Valley Wide Pride Fest

13 mins read

This was the first Valley Wide Pride Fest in Hudson, Wisconsin. If you head East out of the Twin Cities Metro area, Hudson is the first exit you will come to across the St. Croix River entering into Wisconsin. It is in this town where I am on staff at


9 New Year’s Resolutions and a Response for the Presbyterian Church (USA)

20 mins read

A wise former Pastor and Presbytery Executive, John L. Williams, has written “A Theological Essay on Vision” that contrasts the Bible’s dream and vision accounts with those of management consultants and the tamed goals of self-interested organizations. I confess I have seen little of his work reflected in the Vision



9 mins read

Any person who identifies as an “exvangelical”, or someone who has left the conservative evangelical tradition, has their own story and possibly carries their own baggage. No two experiences are the same. However, we are often lumped together as people with interesting stories to tell, and our trauma from our


As Close as our Very Breath

15 mins read

A Sermon for Those Who Feel Afraid Text: John 20:19-25 Ask a scholar about the word “breathe” and she will tell you that this is the only place in the entire New Testament where this word shows up. Surely they breathed more than once back then, but maybe they didn’t
