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Feminism as Evangelism

How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church “I have always found it difficult to walk away from the church, but I have also found it difficult to walk with it.” [1] Those evocative words, the first sentence of feminist

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An Open Letter on Urban Ministry

5 mins read

To Our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Brothers and Sisters September 6, 2016 Dear Colleagues Across our Church: We are prompted to write by the tragically early death of our brother in Christ, the Rev. Eugene “Freedom” Blackwell, pastor of House of Manna in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Eugene joined the church triumphant on August 29th,


From Palestine to Portland

15 mins read

Working for Peace in the Middle East at the 222nd General Assembly About a month ago, I was sitting in a large ballroom adjacent to other commissioners and delegates to the 222nd General Assembly, anxiously waiting for the work of the Committee on Middle East Issues (Committee 8) to begin.

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Muzzling the Word of God

16 mins read

A Response to the Foothills Presbytery Overtures I try to avoid getting bogged down in the details of church polity. Generally, this is because I think it leads us to spend too much time looking inward and debating minutia when that time and effort would be better spent looking outward,

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Dismissional on Missional?

20 mins read

The Growth of Missional Language Missio-Logio: The Many Languages of Mission The theme of the 2015 annual meeting American Society of Missiology (ASM) was “Missio-Logoi: The Many Languages of Mission.” It was a fascinating conference, with missionaries and scholars from across denominations and from many traditions meeting in Wheaton, Illinois.

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The Missional Church: The Church Catholic

20 mins read

I was teaching youth and college Sunday school a few years ago, and we were discussing the Apostles’ Creed, particularly the part where Christians confess belief in the ‘holy and catholic church’. One student spoke up and asked what the Creed meant by ‘catholic’. Without much thought, I rattled off


The ‘Missional’ Church

17 mins read

Ark of Escape or Community of Reconciliation? When I teach the Reformed Confessions to students at Union Presbyterian Seminary, I like to point out that one of the benefits of belonging to our communion is belonging to a tradition with a dynamic understanding of confessionalism. Unlike the Lutheran tradition, which

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Breaking Good

2 mins read

Addiction, Drug Policy, and the Body of Christ Past Approaches and Present Concerns Re-Examining our Nation’s Responses to Drugs, Rev. Gordon Edwards and John Lindsay-Poland A Biblical and Theological Reflection on Consumption, Addiction, and Prejudicial Drug Policy, Rev. Max Lynn Amethyst Church: An Opening Editorial, Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso Addiction: A

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