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GA221 - Page 3

Feminism as Evangelism

How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church “I have always found it difficult to walk away from the church, but I have also found it difficult to walk with it.” [1] Those evocative words, the first sentence of feminist

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Exxon Mobil and Me (and the BOP)

12 mins read

Immediately before creating humans in Genesis 1, “God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the

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The Creation Waits

42 mins read

Fossil Fuel Divestment at the 221st General Assembly Download this article as a PDF. On the bulletin board above my desk, I have an excerpt from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Book of Confessions: “God’s redeeming work in Jesus Christ embraces the whole of [our] life: social and cultural, economic and

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Divided We Unite

21 mins read

Split Votes and Shared Ethos at the General Assembly The following sermon was preached by Andrew William Smith, ruling elder at First Presbyterian Church in Cookeville, TN, at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Southfield, MI, on Sunday, June 22, 2014, the day after the General Assembly and the day of a

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We Are Family

18 mins read

A Sermon Reflecting on the 221st General Assembly Sermon preached Sunday, June 22, 2014 at Ogelthorpe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA Sermon Text: Matthew 10:24-39 My friends, I bring you greetings from the 221st meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Presbyterians from across the country gathered

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Let’s Focus on Nonviolence

12 mins read

Let’s focus on nonviolence! I am encouraged by the news out of the 221st General Assembly of the PC(USA). The assembly decided that we need to continue our church-wide discernment process about peacemaking, and it sounds like there was some very good discussion around nonviolence in the peacemaking committee. While


Presbyterians Embrace a Table for All

8 mins read

This article was originally featured in Believe Out Loud. This past week, I have sat at the Table. Not just any table, but the Table of Christ, around which I have gathered since I was a child. This week, however, the Table looked different than I have ever imagined. It

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Courage to Speak

8 mins read

There are two things I have learned about General Assembly this week: it is amazing, and it is terrifying. Not for everyone, I hope. I have met many wonderful Presbyterians for whom General Assembly is a total joy. But for this introverted, conflict-avoidant, first-time attendee, the thought of 2,000+ Presbyterians

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